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Pre-Season Continues!

Pre-Season Continues!

Ben Jubb9 Jul - 10:25
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Who doesn't love a bit of rugby in the wet?

Pre-Season training is set to continue this evening down at the club after a successful first week. Last week saw both old and new faces make an appearance down at the club on Tuesday and Thursday as we began to put the building blocks down for what we plan on being another hugely successful season for all teams involved with the club.

The rain is expected to settle down by the time 19:00 rolls around and perhaps we may even catch a glimpse of some sunshine if we are lucky...

So, the same as last week, try and arrive for 18:45 to set up and get ready for a prompt start at 19:00. We hope to see everybody there again!

Sutherland Park - Novocastrians RFC - NE77SZ

Further reading